
Trip for
the Hillula of
Rabbi Itshak Abihssira

An Amazing Trip from 2 to 6 February 2023

- Visit of more than 15 Tsadikim.
- Premium Services : VIP Minibus, 5* Hotel, Seudot at each Tsadik
- 2 Hillulot : Rabbi Itshak & Rabbi Yehia Ben Barouh

Price : €750


For more details

The Experience

Shabat in the Sahara

Shabat in the middle of the Sahara desert, in a magical and fairy landscape. You will find on the site all the necessary comfort to recharge your batteries during Shabbat before going to the Hiloula of Rabbi Itshak at Toulal.

5* Oscar Hotel

You will stay the first night at the Oscar Hotel. One of the best hotel of the city. The meals are under the Mahfud Kashrut.

Night at Rabbi Yehia Ben Barouh

Last night in Morocco with the hilloula of Rabbi Yehia Ben Barouh. You will have the luck to sleep at the Tsadik's place.


You will travel in a Mercedes Sprinter, 17 seats. Each shuttle has got his own wifi.

Tzadikim's Road

1- Rabbi Habib Mizrahi & Rabbi Avraham Hazzan

Ait Ourir
It is said that Rabbi Habib Mizrahi came from Israel 800 years ago, as an emissary of Israel, to collect Tzedakah for the kolelim & yeshivot.

2 - Rabbi Daniel Hashomer Ashkenazy

One of the most revered tsadikim in Morocco, renowned for his miraculous healings, especially of mental illnesses. We have no details on his biography except that he came from Eretz Israel.

3 - Rabbi Aaron Abihssira

Famous Mekubal and son of Avir Yaakov, Rabbi Yaakov Abihssira. He has 5 sons: Rabbi Israel (Baba Salé de Colomb-Béchar), Rabbi Shalom, Rabbi Yossef (Baba Cho), Rabbi Shmouel & Rabbi Eliahou.

4 - Rabbi David OuMoche

He was born in Jerusalem. Great Talmud Chacham, from halakha to kabala. He has been sent to Morocco to collect tsedakah for the Jews of Israel. During his stay, he went to Agouim and discovered an epidemic there which had already killed many Jews and Arabs in the village. He begins to pray and lament imploring Hashem to exchange his life for those of the villagers. Suddenly, his body fell lifeless into a gigantic pit, intended to bury villagers at the end of their lives and the pit shrank to the size of a single man's grave. Hundreds of miracles related to the pilgrimage of this tsadik are now listed. His Hilloula attracts thousands of pilgrims every year.

5 - Rabbi Messoud Abihssira

Eldest son of Avir Yaakov, Rabbi Yaakov Abihssira. He is the humble and worthy heir of his father, in addition to being his chavruta night and day, he will take over the functions of Rav and Dayan when Rabbi Yaakov decided to leave Morocco for Eretz Israel. There is a lot of praise around him as a miracle worker but also a leader of the community. It is said that at the time of his burial rained reddish hail. He leaves behind him a beautiful legacy to the people of Israel with his 3 sons: Rabbi David (Ateret Rochenou - Baba Do), Rabbi Israel - Baba Sali & Rabbi Itshak - Baba Haki.

6 - Ateret Rochenou - Rabbi David Abihssira

He is the eldest son of Rabbi Messoud Abihssira. There are many stories testifying to the holiness of Baba Do, he fasted all week, ate only Shabbat and was a vegetarian as a measure of piety. His life was just limoud torah and he hardly ever left his house. He agreed to take over the duties of his father, Rabbi Messoud, something he later declined to be able to devote himself solely to his seder of limud. He was the Rav of Baba Sale. He has written 3 books on parashiot: Recha veSefa, Petah Haohel & Sekhel Tov. He sacrificed his life for those of the Jews of Rissani. Following a conflict with an Arab kingpin who reigned terror in the region, he was assassinated on 14 Kislev 5480 (1919) in the public square of the village in front of all the Jews who were forced to witness the murder. He is buried next to his father in the same mausoleum.

9 - Rabbi Moché Tordjman

He was the chavruta of Baba Do but also the Rav of Baba Sali, Baba Meir & other rabbanim. He was the Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshivat Hatafilalet. He was a mighty Mekubal and a great scholar in all Torah matters.

7 - Rabbi Shmouel Abihssira

He is the son of Rabbi Aaron Abihssira. He is a famous Talmid Haham from the Abihssira family. Continuously versed in Torah study. He did not travel for fear of a potential Bitul Torah during his way. He was particularly cherished and appreciated by his cousin Baba Sali. One day, Baba Sali ardently wished to see his cousin, he had to report to his ears that he was not feeling well in order to be able to deserve his coming. After his coming, Baba Sali explained to him that he created himself this story to deserve his coming. He told him afterwards that their meetings were important.

8 - Rabbi Eliahou Abihssira

He is the son of Rabbi Aaron Abihssira and brother of Rabbi Shmuel.

10 - Rabbi Itshak Abihssira

He is the last son of Rabbi Yaakov Abihssira. He was named after the Ari Zal, Rabbi Itshak Luria. This one would have come in a dream to Avir Yaakov to announce to him that his son would be his gilgoul. This is extremely conceivable since Rabbi Itshak was a pure prodigy from an early age. Rabbi Yaakov had a special affection for his youngest child. Many miracles are attributed to him. Rabbi Itshak died on Shevat 14, 5672 (1912). He died stabbed by a brigand on his way to Toulal on a Friday. The sun then stopped so that the Tzadik could be buried before Shabbat. His hilloula is today the event that bringing the most Jews in Morocco.

11 - Rabbi Abba Abihssira

The son of Rabbi Itshak.

12 - Rabbi Yihya Lahlou & les 2 Tsadikim

Mekubal & Dayan of Errachidia. There is a famous story about his death. Rabbi Messoud Abihssira wrote a Piyut for his memory.

13 - Rabbi Yehia Ben Barouh

Chaliah of Jerusalem who lived over 200 years ago. Many miracles have taken place following the prayers made at his grave.


Trip in Morocco from the 2 to 6 February 2023


Trip made by Rabbimap™

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